Saturday, 3 September 2011

Our Friend in Foreign Places...

The DFP went to put something in the rubbish. Our flat has, as is common to most flats in Singapore a rubbish shoot situated in a sort of utility area where the washing machine is and a little toilet and cold shower 'for the maid'. It's known as the 'maid's room'. There's also a regulation 'bomb shelter' which all flats have following some mid 80's law. It has no windows and a big heavy door so might be useful if bombs were dropping. And confusingly it has a TV socket. Apparently this is where the maid sleeps, in the windowless black hole that is the bomb shelter.

But going back to the DFP and the rubbish shoot. It is exactly what it sounds like. A very Roal Dahlish shoot all the way down from our flat to the bins. Tonight the DFP said, 'ugh, there's something on the handle'. I went to get the bug spray but first had a look at what I was going to spray. And this is what it was:

He looks a bit worried by it all himself.

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